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Policies and Procedures



To book an appointment, a credit card on file is required. No exceptions. Please have this information ready to give when booking the appointment.



Same day Cancellation or Re-scheduling is FULL price of the service(s) that were scheduled.

No CALL/NO SHOW will not be tolerated and  is 100% charge of the amount of service or $50, whichever is GREATER


Vouchers/Gift Cards/Gift Certificates or Other Redeemed Discounts

If you book an appointment and cancel SAME DAY or even RESECHEDULE the day of the appointment this will void the Voucher, Gift Certificate/Card or redeemed discount. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This time is set aside for you and often times I can not get an appointment filled on a short notice. I do understand that unexpected things may arise but please plan accordingly.

If you call before closing 6pm, the day BEFORE the appointment, you can reschedule or cancel the appointment. This allows time for me to get the appointment booked


Late Arrivals:

Please arrive ONLY 5 minutes before the appointment time to fill out medical forms, if this is your first visit. Please DO NOT arrive earlier than 5 minutes before the appointment because the DOOR will be LOCKED. I will be finishing up with a client and this is for safety and security reasons. The medical form is required before any service(s) can begin.


A 60 minutes massage consist of....

5 minutes for paperwork/consultation/restroom, 50 minutes hands on and 5 minutes to re-dress/restroom/post-consultation.

If you are late, for ANY reason, this will cut into your session time. Often time appointments are scheduled back to back. Please arrive on time and plan accordingy.


100% Satisfaction

It is my goal that every client receives AFFORDABLE great service, become a REPEAT client and can refer this office to family members, friends and co-workers. If at any time you are not satisified, please address the issue with the owner before leaving the spa.

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